
It is a major shock to find yourself as the victim of a violent assault. Being hit, punched, kicked or otherwise physically harmed or threatened with physical harm by another person can cause significant physical injuries and often psychological distress as well.

If the perpetrator is someone you know, or someone you trusted, there may be added emotional issues to deal with. You may have thought you were safe because there were others around, yet no one helped. You may have had to go to a hospital emergency department. There you may have found that your injuries were not regarded as serious and that you were not given any priority as the victim of a crime.

You may be wrestling with many questions now such as:

  • Who did this?
  • Why me?
  • Will it happen again?
  • Why did no one help?
  • What did I do to deserve this?

You may find yourself withdrawing from friends and family. You may also find yourself avoiding going out or doing activities that you used to enjoy. If you find yourself in this situation, try to find one or two people who you trust and who you can talk with about your feelings. Take small steps each day to take care of yourself such as going to the cinema, taking a walk or cooking a meal

If you are overwhelmed by your painful emotions, or after some time passes you find that you are unable to carry on with normal activities, it may be helpful to see a GP and get medical advice and possible referrals to counselling.

Get Help Now

The Crime Victims Helpline is a listening and support service for victims of crime in Ireland. We provide time and space for victims to talk about their experiences. We also answer questions about the criminal justice system and help victims understand their rights.

Support Services

If you or a friend or family member has been impacted by crime, there are a number of organization in Ireland who can help.